how much do doctors in india charge for eecp treatment

The doctor’s fees for EECP treatment in India are typically included in the overall treatment cost, rather than being a separate charge. This cost can vary depending on several factors, including:

Location: Costs tend to be higher in major cities compared to smaller towns.
Hospital: Prestigious hospitals with advanced facilities may have higher charges.
Doctor's Experience: More experienced doctors may command slightly higher fees.

However, as a general estimate, the total cost of EECP treatment in India ranges from ₹1,05,000 to ₹1,57,000 (roughly $1,300 to $1,900 USD). This is significantly lower than the cost in many other countries.

Here are some resources you can explore to get a better idea of costs in your area:

Talk to different hospitals and clinics that offer EECP treatment.
Consider contacting facilities specializing in EECP therapy, as they might offer more competitive rates.