What Is Eecp And How It Works
What Is Eecp And How It Works

what is EECP and how does it work

EECP stands for Enhanced External Counterpulsation. It’s a non-invasive medical treatment used to improve blood flow to the heart, typically for people with angina (chest pain) caused by coronary artery disease.

Here’s how EECP works:

Inflatable cuffs are placed around your calves, thighs, and buttocks.
An electrocardiogram (ECG) monitors your heartbeat.
The cuffs inflate and deflate in coordination with your heartbeat. During the heart's resting phase (diastole), the cuffs inflate to squeeze blood towards your heart.
When your heart beats (systole), the cuffs deflate to allow for better blood flow throughout the body.

This process essentially helps in two ways:

Increased blood flow: By squeezing blood towards the heart during diastole, EECP improves the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle.
Natural bypasses: The treatment may stimulate the formation of new blood vessels (collaterals) around narrowed or blocked arteries, creating natural bypasses to improve blood flow to the heart.

EECP treatments are usually given daily for one hour over a course of several weeks. It’s important to note that EECP is not a cure for heart disease, but it can improve symptoms and quality of life for patients with angina.